Thursday 20 December 2012

This morning I awoke to that surreal feeling... That beautiful calmness of the subconscious mind. Fresh from dreaming of a world full of love, laughter and happiness. A world full of content... peacefulness. There is no pain, no tears, no selfishness. A world where butterflies dance over rainbows, unicorns not only exist but spend their days frolicking in the shallow water of the waterfall-fed spring. This world is an Island and on that Island amongst the beautiful colours of the tall rainforest trees, there is a secluded cottage. A place I can call Home.

Without warning, my thoughts came crashing into my conscious mind, weighing me down, crushing my chest, making it hard to breathe. A cruel reality that reminded me we are in an environment of man made hatred. Because reality is full of people. People are what cause hurt, pain, anger, jealousy and disharmony. We do this to ourselves... to each other. We know how to devastate each other, we know how it feels to be hurt and yet we do it anyway. And not just accidental hurt, but cruel, deliberate, calculating, deceitful torture.

A world where we rarely see kindness, but we are all encouraged to do "random acts of kindness". In Australia alone, around 2000 people committed suicide last year. Our divorce rate is sitting at about 43% and 1 in every 3 Australians is a victim of crime... We do this to ourselves, to each other. Where is the compassion for others? Where did we all get so lost that THIS is normal? Have people lost the ability to succeed without bringing down others? I guess this is why we should be careful what we wish for.

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